Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Onehunga foreshore finally happening. Watch this space.

Yes, the big machinery is there, frightenning the hell out of Perdy as it bites into the soil. She is most reluctant to go anywhere near the fence and the area of the park where they are going to build a bridge over the motorway to allow easy access to the foreshore ---yeah the bit where the Council is spending $28 million but can't guarantee that we will be able to swim there--- another example of 'NZ not 100% pure.' Oh well, I suppose it is hard to make such claims when the motorway and thousands of vehicles every hour pass close by and illegal outflows probably still dump their nasty waste into the harbour. If that statement pisses anyone off---good---- we need to get together as a comunity and demand that this project is going to be more than just a 'pretty face,' with an ugly substructure.
Perdy had the last laugh lasdt week. She sneeked under the fence (in the picture attached) and ran around like a demented---oh hang on---shenis a Jack Russell, afterall, and crapped in the grass. Damn---How was I going  to pick it up in my little blue bag. There's no way I can climb that fence for a  piece of s--- you get the picture.

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