Today I committed a cardinal sin; well as far as the world of computers is concerned, that is. My nephew who is a bit of a computer whiz; he makes his living at it so I guess that qualifies him. He had stayed with me for two days and before he left he sorted out some issues re Malware---I hope I have correctly described what he did.
I waved goodbye and immediately signed in to check my blog page and emails. Having done that, I decided to give things a rest for a while. That is when my horror of horrors began.
My eyes rested (well I was in that mode after all) on a Samsung ‘Restore’ icon. My mind went back to the work my nephew had done. Hey—he had done me quite a favour so why not carry on as he had set me up? I should make sure that everything was right.
I quickly became enmeshed in a world of questions and decisions and before I knew it, I had lost everything on my computer. I could sign back in using a new password, but that was it. I could not connect to anything, including the internet. I panicked and considered throwing it out the window, until I remembered that my beautiful computer was only 2 years old. How embarrassing. Should I ring my sister? What would I tell my partner? I tried to forget about it and ‘own up’ when my partner came home---after a very long hard day at work.
I waited and thought up what I might say. There was only one pathway---complete honestly. I was asked----‘What the hell did you do?’ How much lower could I go? I admitted my foolery and after about 2 hours of reinstalling and seeking out my favourites, I am up and running again. Wow, I am sure a ‘dinner at a nice restaurant’ is in order----OH no---not for me. I only have two days of food freedom before I go on a month of Optifast, before I have my Bariatric surgery. OH well, maybe my fingers will slim down too and I shall make less mistakes. Yeah right!
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