Sunday, February 3, 2013

Big fish for Melita Dean!-----nice one mate

Do you have a ‘bucket list?’ Have you achieved many of the wishes on it? I have a few, but none of them match up to the ‘achievement ‘of a dear colleague of mine. She has often talked about the ‘big fish;’ I mean really big, not some little plate sized offering. She means Marlin and a big one at that.
Melita has been trying for quite a few years and over that time, I wished her luck, but she always came back empty handed, but not dispirited. Well this past weekend, she hit the Jackpot. Melita hooked a big Marlin, just off the coast from Tairua (not far from Whitianga) on New Zealand’s beautiful Coromandel Peninsula. She had to use a right handed ‘thingumajig’ (see, I know stuff-all about such things) but she’s left-handed. Don’t be surprised if I got that round the wrong way.
For the next hour, Melita fought that fish. It stretched out to 1000 metres and she gradually pulled it in. BY the time she had landed it (without her partner assisting) she and the fish were beat, stuffed and bits in-between------ Then came decision time. Was it to be ‘tag and release’ or take it home? The marlin was so exhausted that she made the decision t to keep it. A butcher from the township will smoke it and we shall all receive the bounty as a result.
Melita’s efforts put her right ‘up there,’ for female big game ‘fisher people’ in NZ. Good one Melita. I shall look at you with entirely different eyes from now on!  Oh, by the way---the Marlin came in at 93 Kilos.

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