The report in the New Zealand Heralth this morning that a female passenger stubbornly refused to give up her 'elite' seat to a dissabled passenger show us that there are still people out there with no understanding or empahty for those less fortunate. It would should have been a simple matter of human decency for the woamn who was desribed as a 40ish blond' to simply move to the seat that was offered just a short distance away. What made matters worse was the fact that she was accompanied by two teenagers. What message did her behaviour give to those children? Do they now accpet as 'normal,' her slefish behaviour or were they maybe a little embarrased by the selfish actions of thier parent? Does this incident mean that Air Zealand need to have a clause in the 'condiotns of flight' that clearly states that in certain instances, passnegers may be 'required' to move at the requests of airline staff. This in itself is rather sad that such changes are actually necessary. I guess we have always had selfish people and no doubt we are going to hear from this woman who will come up with an excuse that puts her side. It will need to be be one 'big heartfelt' piece of reasoning to convince me that her actions were justified. In the meantime she has taught her kids that it is all about ME ME ME!
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