Sunday, August 25, 2013

Team New Zealand about to go up against the USA (Oracle) for the America's Cup.

Now that New Zealand has won the right to challenge the mighty Oracle Team, lets hope that the racing will take place 'on the water,' not in the damned court rooms like so often has occurred in the past. I am proud to support Team New Zealand! What else can I do? Hell, I live there!
I am not that keen on the huge crafts, catamarans, to be exact. The fact that there were only a few challengers speaks for itself. I would love to see a return to 'real' yachts, like those that we have come to love; crafts that more nations can realistically produce, making the tournament more of a 'fair go,' that very special Kiwi attribute. Having got this far, though, I am sure my compatriots will of their best, knowing that the majority of NZers (minus the killjoys who insist that it is all a waste of money and completely fail to see the economic gains resulting from the exposure of our incredible boat building industry and the flow-on affect for other sectors in our economy) support our team.
Go Kiwis!

91,000 hits now---still well away from one million!

I am very pleased to annonce that my blog has now had 91,000 direct hits and that does not count those that access it from Twitter or facebook. My aim is one million! As you know I use my blog to push my books and to discuss issues that interest me. Sometimes I take an angle, that is designed to 'provoke' and to rasie an awareness. I shall keep on writing in the belief that it can only help my writing skills. Check out my website to follow the link to ROSKILL which is now on Amazon kindle. PLease download it and review it.

Read and review and pass on the link!---Please. ROSKILL needs to get 'out there.'

Yes, it is all baoput pushing Roskill now. Just go to Amazon ebooks and search for ROSKILL, BY NEIL COLEMAN and the rest is easy and cheep. I need reviews and of course, sales!  Just go to my link on my website,
Please pass on the link to your networks. This is a new learning curve for me and unless I push it, nothiing happens!  Thanks for actaully reading this blog.

Maybe three names in the mix for Labour leadership?

OK, so far so good in the leadership battle for Labour. Keep it this way. Have your ‘primary style’ round and get it right. The three names (Two conformed as at 7am NZ time) and portably one more to come. Let’s assume that we will have Grant Robertson, Shane Jones and David Cunliffe. Unless there are nay late nominations then we have an interesting battle on our hands. All of them have good qualities and for me no one shines out as being ‘better.’ Each will attract a slightly different backing and all are capable of stitching together an opposition that can take on Key, from the moment they are selected.
If they all follow the protocol that the Conference settled on, then there should be little blood on the floor. The only group that can stuff this up is the party members, bitching in the background and possibly the media who will be looking for an ‘angle,’ in the name of nothing more than their own cause---making money, supported by strong anti-Labour interest groups.
National and its lackeys will of course try to portray the battle as more than it is and will do the utmost to discredit any successful candidate. It is in National’s interest to have this so.
Hold fast, Labour and get this behind and get on with being an effective Government in waiting. If you don’t and you let partisan sector, and personality issues rule, then stay where you are; lagging on the polls and hosting a pack of insecure wannabes in the party membership. Rise above those potential hooks and we will see something good in NZ politics. It is the humane frailties that will derail this journey---if you let them!

Big thanks to all the people who are buying ROSKILL.

It is really frustrating knowing that people are buying (Downloading) ROSKILL, but not knowing how many. I look at the scroll down of EBooks on Amazon, but the numbers are not yet showing up. It looks like no one has brought ROSKILL but I know that's not true because lots of you have been in touch with me and even told me you have reviewed the book. That's OK, because I think that Amazon only update the figures every so often, maybe every 60 days. Once I know the numbers, I shall stick them up on  my blog. Just keep downloading and passing the link to my book (soon to be books!) to your friends who have a Kindle or a reading AP. Go to my website, or search ROSKILL, BY NEIL COLEMAN on Amazon eBooks. Keep [passing on the link. I can only do this by getting the word or asking you to help. NO flash publishing house behind me or some media magnate. It's all about me pushing and you pulling whatever strings you can. Big hugs!