Brazil is about to take centre stage as the World Cup for the ‘beautiful game’ takes hold of ----everything. It has been a difficult run-up to the opening and there are still issues re the readiness of some of the stadiums. There are also many political problems; around crime, housing and transport and the overall safety of the tourists who are descending upon this giant in South America.
No doubt most Brazilians are very proud of the efforts their country has made to host this momentous event, but there are those who are feeling left out and ignored; namely the poor and the underpaid who have taken action ns to improve their lot. Whether this will impact on the smooth running of the games, and not cause embarrassment or even endanger aspects of the Cup, is yet to be seen. For sure there have been heavy actions on the part of the police as they try to minimise any actions various groups may take, to get their point across. There is no doubt that Brazil is an emerging giant and economic powerhouse, but it has still to achieve an answer to the old problem that many countries have---addressing the gap between the rich and powerless.
I wish Brazil well and hope that they can enjoy and celebrate the games; working towards a more equal society. But, those in power, not just political, are not known for giving up their privileged positions. Who’s going to win? Hopefully everyone!