Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Roskill is in MiNDFOOD!
Yes, it's true. ROKSILLis in MiNDFOOD, the September, 2014 edition, pages 44 and 45. I am most pleased with the result and despite the teasing I am taking re my semi-naked 'before' picture, I have to be satisfied. To be able to get that amount of 'exposure' is a gift from the 'publicity Gods.' Go and check out the article. It tells of my journey re the bariatric surgery and has a section about Roskill. 'P' is a scourge on society and hardly a week goes by without hearing another story of a 'P' Lab been busted or a family destroyed because a parent has entered that dark world. 'P' is in our schools or at least on the 'edges,' as those who want to gain from this nasty drug try to recruit young users and sellers. parents need to be aware of who their kids are associating with and try to have a level of communication with their kids so that when things do go wrong, there is still the love and trust--- both so necessary when it comes to breaking the cycle and danger that 'P' and other substances present. Roskill is a book that all parents should read and teenagers too, becuase it is a story of the love and hope that famallies so often need. You can download it from my webiste, as an Ebook or buy the hard copy. If you contact me direct, I can sell it even cheaper! www.authorneilcoleman.com or neilcolemanauthor@gmail.com Please pass on the link to your friends and circles. This link will take you straight to the book on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/047325655X
Free range eggs are great---as long as they are what they say they are!
The news today that Northland egg producer was charged and sentenced for duping us re the authenticity of his 'free range'eggs should come as no surpirse. Indeed in his contrite statement, he claims that many other farmers are doing the same. That sounds a bit like a driver claiming that he 'wasn't the only one speeding,' when pulled up by the police! THis affiar does bring into question the point that most of us probably couldn't tell the difference between 'caged eggs and free rnage' one and that we trust the labelling on these much more expensive eggs.Try doing a blind tatse test sometimes and see what yu come up with. Now there's a good idea for your next 'fundraising breakfast.'
This all makes you wonder that claims that other organic , or 'fresh,new season' products are also honestly labelled at the point of sale. Most of us go abaout our shopping blieving these claims.Maybe we are going to see people cracking a few eggs or taking abite out of fruit in our supermarkets. ONe thing for sure is that the people in charge of 'bying for our large food stores, are going to be very careful in future. The last thing they want to see is the floor covered with 'tested product.' I guess I better be careful here, eh, or I shall be charged with encouraging public disorder!
Come-on guys---do the right thing! I love my eggs, but I want to be sure that the chooks have has a happy life.
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