Sunday, June 5, 2016

Escaping Auckland!

It has been about ten days since I moved to Thames. Why did I head out of the big smoke? Auckland is a wonderful place and it had been my home for the last 55 years. I had witnessed it growing form a city of 450,000 in the early 60's to one of over 1.5 million. I watched and lived through massive growth in the traffic and the increased diversity of its people. I enjoyed the beautiful beaches and the long summers and relatively short and mild winters. Auckland provided me with employment for all of my adult life, but finally I threw in in the towel and headed to another part of the Hauraki Gulf---Thames. About two years ago, I started looking on-line for a quieter place, one by the sea and one whereby I could enjoy a 'slide into retirement.' I remember a dozen or so years ago dreaming about living on Dominion Rd, and I managed to make that dream come true. I loved our little flat at the end of Dominion Road and although it did not measure up to all of the words in that famous song about Dominion Rd, it certainly hit the spot for us---for ten plus years. But the dreams recurred, this times about the Thames Coast. I let them come and go but eventually, a raft of contributing factors emerged, leading me to a new decision. I felt that I had reached a time re my work in a busy high school was coming to an end---a natural one and that after a health scare, that it was time to look for a quieter pace on my life journey. I had gone through the 'Bariatric Surgery process and that gave me hope for an 'extension' of life, but the 'heart' of the matter was ---just that--- the heart was giving me some warning signs that could not be ignored-----so I knew it was time to listen to my dreams and head for the coast. Things moved incredibly fast. People have commented on my impulsive nature---yes---that is me, be it for purchasing 'As Seen On TV,' products or other life changing decisions---I DO NOT MUCK AROUND, when it comes to making changes! So---- I had been looking at real estate on the Thames Coast for quite some time and I only needed two visits and a second visit with my parter to make the decision to sell the Mt Roskill home and but the little cottage in Tararu, Thames. Sure I had a few 'cardiac episodes,' during and after this hectic time, but here I am, starting each day with a walk along the rocky beach near where I live and planning all sorts of adventures for the future. Yes, a camper van may come, but I am not in a hurry. Sure, I still work---maybe one part-day a week, back in the big City of Sails, but I am experiencing a whole new way of life, taking time (so much that I forget where I have parked the car!) to think, read, write and enjoy LIFE!~ I miss my friends and former workplace, but I know you are all still up there and no doubt you will be coming my way at some stage. You can look forward to a few postings about the mischief I get up to and some pretty tall tales. It's up to you as to whether they are true or not! Hell, I have time to make up OR LIVE some real beauts!

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